Review: Hummingbird Chocolate – Momotombo 70% (*****)

“I’m talking about that hummingbird oh she’s little and she loves me” BB King knew all about Hummingbird when he recorded this famous track written by Don Robertson. Just my way of telling you we are reviewing another bar by Hummingbird. A small-scale artisan chocolate from Canada. Last time around, I received a wonderful message […]

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Review: Idilio Origins – Chuao 72% (****1/2)

Chuao… if there is a single word that grasps the attention of real chocolate lovers, there you have it. Chuao, a little village in Venezuela. The origin region producing the finest Criollo cacao around. The crème the la crème! Many chocolatiers create a bar with cacao from this region. Today we have a Swiss bar […]

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Review: Ara Chocolat – Madagascar 75% (****)

After travelling all over the world with the bars I reviewed so far, I come back to familiar terrain today. In front of me lays a small dark single origin bar stating Madagascar. My favorite origin! I simply adore wonderful fruity chocolate. But the brand is little known to me. Ara Chocolat. Based in the […]

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Review: Amedei Blanco de Criollo – 70% (*****)

Now here is a first for me. After reviewing so many exciting bars, this time around I present you a blend. But if that blend is made by a company called “Amedei” and it features Criollo, I’m very confident I’ve got the attention of any true chocolate lover! Cecilia Tessieri travelled all the way to […]

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Double Review: Peru – French Broad Chocolate – Palo Blanco 66% (****) VS The Chocolate Tree – Salt and Nibs 70% (****)

Guess everyone knows the world championship soccer is played right now in Brazil. National soccer teams battle each other in South-American stadiums. But I like to do things different. I choose one origin and let two chocolate makers battle with their products! Let see who comes out on top!   Peru is a growing cacao […]

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Cheating on my chocolate… with coffee!

Oh boy. Last few days have been tropical over here in Belgium. Temperatures raising close to 30° C ( 86°F). Close enough to nearly melt chocolate. So tasting/reviewing some bars is a bit out of the question, unfortunately. So what to try instead? Coffee! For a while now I’ve been tempted to try quality coffee, […]

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