Sneak peek!

The year 2013 nears its end. It brought me the wonderful discovery of fine chocolate and lots of great discoveries and tastes. Thanks for reading my chocolate reviews, I’m baffled by the amount of viewers who have visited my little blog, showing nothing but my view on this delicious dark gold. So what has been […]

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Review: Geert Vercruysse Chocolates (*****)

My faith in Belgian chocolate has been restored. And how… Quiet a while ago, I realised I’ve been told a big lie all my life. Belgian bulk chocolate may be better than average when compared to other foreign bulk producers, but it is meaningless when compared to the kind of product so many great artisan […]

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Review: Mayta Chocolate – 71% Arriba (****)

It has been a while since I reviewed any chocolates. A burned tongue was the evildoer. It simply eradicated a part of my taste, making everything very dull on the palate. Not your ideal way to taste the delicate flavours in a product like chocolate. Luckily everything healed by now, but it makes you appreciate the […]

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Cocoa… a close encounter of the third kind!

Beeing fascinated by chocolate, one naturally gets interested in the source of this wonderful product aswell. To us Western people, chocolate is well-known. The cocoa beans, pods and the tree itself are as illusive as pixie dust. No one really knows them. Slowly I’m starting to get a view on the wonderful world of cocoa […]

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Origin Chocolate Event 2013 – Amsterdam

Wednesday the 23th of October was D-day… The day to discover some more fine Origin chocolates. Even a trip of over 2 hours wouldn’t keep me away from this great event. The promise of so many producers, connoisseurs and enthusiasts together was too good to let it pass by. The Royal Tropical Institute in Amsterdam […]

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Review: Menakao – 100% madagascar (****)

100%. The highest number in chocolate. The most terrifying, the most intense, the most under-appreciated of chocolates. We met again. I know it’ll never by my top favorite chocolate either, yet every single time I’m drawn to it, just to experience the taste in its purest. Madagascan style this time around. Ladies and gentlemen, Menakao […]

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