Review: Mayta Chocolate – 71% Arriba (****)

It has been a while since I reviewed any chocolates. A burned tongue was the evildoer. It simply eradicated a part of my taste, making everything very dull on the palate. Not your ideal way to taste the delicate flavours in a product like chocolate. Luckily everything healed by now, but it makes you appreciate the […]

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Review: Menakao – 100% madagascar (****)

100%. The highest number in chocolate. The most terrifying, the most intense, the most under-appreciated of chocolates. We met again. I know it’ll never by my top favorite chocolate either, yet every single time I’m drawn to it, just to experience the taste in its purest. Madagascan style this time around. Ladies and gentlemen, Menakao […]

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Review: Akesson’s – Bali – 75% (****)

When I ordered my latest stash oh fine chocolate, I decided to try something different. Most of the chocolate I tasted so far was made out of South American or Madagascan beans. I wondered if beans coming from the other side of the world would make a big difference. So here is my first Asian […]

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